August 8, 2012

bed bug sniffing dog chicago il

Nyx sniffs (snuffs out) bed bugs for good.

A Bed Bugs’ Stealth Attack on You.

Nyx, the Illinois Bed Bug Dog and his owner and mentor Cliff Duple of A.G.A.D. Pest Control (As Good As Dead) exterminators maintain a busy schedule. So do bed bugs. They’re darn near invisible. They hide in furniture and behind your walls. They move quickly through electrical conduit. They’re stubborn. When they get to your bed, they aren’t there to sleep. They’re there to eat. You. And prevent you from sleeping. Even the thought of them makes you itch. They’re presence is thousands of times worse. They’re difficult to eradicate.

Who Can Sniff / Snuff Out Your Bed Bugs for Good?

Once you realize you’ve got them, whether Nyx, the bed bug dog finds them with his near perfect accuracy, OR WORSE, the bed bugs find you, and they are 100% at making your life miserable, you need a reliable and economical way to eradicate these pests from your person, your home, office, hotel, apartment, school or other structure in your life. And you want to eradicate them for good. The temperature needs to rise nearly 40 degrees more than your body temperature to kill these bed bugs and their hatching larva. That requires the right equipment and the right time commitment to making sure the bed bugs are dead.

Illinois Bed Bug Dog…Your Faithful Companion

When Cliff and Nyx at A.G.A.D Pest Control. quote you a price to eradicate bed bugs, you’re getting the whole price for eliminating these pests from your life. After the eradication takes place, Nyx can even go in and make sure they’re gone. Nyx won’t eat until you can sleep. Now that’s comforting.

Find my bed bugs


  1. Great post. bed bugs can get out of hand so quick. More people need to know about it. Thanks.

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